Clarabelle & Edgar welcomed 4 beautiful puppies on January 9, 2025. 2 boys and 2 girls. Puppies are beautiful black white & tan, black white & tan with ticking, and red & white. We did an Angel Theme for this litter. (Michael, Gabriel, Angelina, and Celeste) Puppies will be ready March 6. The deposit is $500 Nonrefundable and $1500 remaining on pick up day. I do give deposits back if something happens to puppies in my care. Puppies will leave at 8 weeks. They will be ready the 03/6/25. Puppies will be wormed every 2 weeks. Puppies will get their shots at 6 weeks. Puppies will be microchipped and have first set of shots. Puppies will come with AKC limited papers, care sheet from AKC, copy of contract to protect both buyer and seller, shot records, flea and tick medicine, and a gift bag. The gift bag will come with ( toys, treats, dog food sample to help transition puppies to other food, and blanket with mother’s and siblings scents. I have started Early Neurological stimulation (ENS) and Early scent Introduction (ESI). Puppies get weighed every week to make sure they are gaining appropriately. I post every week of puppy updates on both my website, Good Dog, and Facebook page. Once you pick out your puppy. I will send you updates of your puppy every week until pick up. After pick up I still would love to get updates from time to time. I’m currently taking deposits for this litter for puppy picking at 4 weeks. I wait till 4 weeks for puppy picks so you can see their coloring and personality. I currently have 2 males and 2 females from Edgar and Clarabelle’s litter.
Michael was the first born puppy. He is a beautiful black white & tan. He will most likely have some ticking as well like his momma. Gorgeous little male.
Gabriel is the second puppy born in this litter. He is a gorgeous red and white male. He has beautiful markings. He looks like he has a heart on his head. He is the runt of the litter. He also is the most feisty. He is always eating.
Angelina is a beautiful black white & tan female. She was the third born in this litter. Both females in this litter are little chunks. She is going to have ticking in her fur like her momma. Gorgeous puppy excited to see her ticking come out.
Celeste is the last to born in this litter. She is biggest puppy in this litter. She is a big beautiful red and white female. Her markings are slowly coming out. You can mainly see her markings on her head.
Cheza Belle and Edgar will be welcoming puppies January 2025. Puppies colors will range from red & white, lemon & white, mahogany & white, and black white & tan. Stay tuned for litter update.
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